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发表于 2015-6-2 17:18:25 |只看该作者 |正序浏览

Being likeable has its benefits — you'll have an easier time scoring your dream job and making friends. Recently, some Redditors shared some advice for making yourself more likeable. Here are some of the top tips:

1. They smile — a lot. Seeing a smile makes other people happy, so if you're smiling when you're interacting with someone, he'll find you easy to like and friendly.
1. 他们经常—微笑。一个简单的微笑能够感染身边其他的人,所以,如果你在交流时能够微笑的话,别人会感觉你更加友好和平易近人。

2. They ask people questions. There's nothing people love more than to talk about themselves. They will find the conversation more memorable and positive if they spend time talking about themselves.
2. 他们会提问。谈论自己是人们最喜欢做的事情。如果对话中有关于谈话者自己的部分,那么他们就会发现对话是多么地难忘与积极。

3. They pay attention. Listen more to other people than you speak, and people will feel valued. Even if you're asking questions, people won't warm up to that if it seems you're not listening to what they're saying.
3. 他们会给予关注。多倾听,少倾诉,人们就会感觉受到重视。即使你问了问题,如果你看上去并没有在倾听的话,那么人们也不会表现出太大兴致。

4. They remember names. Names are such a core part of people's identity. Bringing their names up in the conversation will not only make them feel good, but they'll also appreciate the fact that you remember their names.
4. 他们会记住别人的名字。名字是一个人身份里面的一个核心部分。在谈话中提到他们的名字,不但会令他们感觉良好,也会让他们感激你记住了他们的名字。

5. They repeat and reinforce. Repeating what someone said to you and reinforcing it will help people feel validated. And that's all people want — validation.
5. 他们重复和确认。重复和确认别人对你说过的话会让人们感觉到被承认。而这就是人们所想要得到的。

6. They don't give unsolicited advice. Give advice to people when they ask you for it. If you go around telling people your opinion, you can come across as being overbearing and bossy even if you're just trying to help.
6. 他们不会给不请自来的建议。只在被问及时才提供建议。如果你到处去告诉别人你的意见的话,别人很有可能觉得你很霸道和野蛮,尽管你的初衷只是想帮助他们。

7. They don't make everything a competition. Trying to compete with everyone and one-up everything people say can quickly make you less likeable in their eyes.
7. 他们不会在所有事情上都作竞争。人们认为,尝试与所有人竞争或者在一件事情上与所有人竞争能够很快把你沦为不讨人喜欢的人。

8. They take responsibility. If you make a mistake, take responsibility for it. Acknowledge it, and don't point the blame at someone else.
8. 他们承担责任。如果你犯错了,那么就为此而承担责任吧。承认它,不要怪责别人推卸责任。

9. They get off their phones. People appreciate undivided attention, because it makes them feel like you're truly listening to them. It makes them feel that you value their presence and time.
9. 他们能够放下手机。人们会欣赏一心一意的关注,因为那样会让人们觉得你真的在倾听他们,真的在重视他们的存在与时间。

10. They don't make comparisons all the time and make it all about them.: Sometimes in an effort to relate to others, you can go overboard with comparisons. When someone tells you about their dog dying, you should listen with concern, because that's what they are seeking. If you chime in with a story of how your own dog died and how you were devastated so you know how they feel, the other person may feel that you're switching the topic back to you.
10. 他们不会总是作比较。有时,为了与他们交往,你可能会在作比较这件事情上走极端。当别人告诉你,他们的宠物狗死了,你应该关切地倾听,因为这就是他们想要的。如果你附和自己的狗是怎么死的故事以及你当时有多么地伤心,来说明你能够理解到他们的感受,他们可能会觉得你在把话题拉向自己。

11. They have good hygiene. Wear clean clothes, brush your teeth, and take showers.
11. 他们有良好的卫生习惯。穿干净的衣服,刷牙和洗澡。


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